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 I attended the Art Institute of Austin where I received my Bachelors in Fine Arts. I have over 6 years of experience with the Army and 3 years experience as a freelance artist with individuals and small businesses. Experience includes, 3D artist and animator, character branding, motion graphics,  compositing, murals & signs, logos, package designs, visual effects, video production & editing, photography and other apparel designs. 


I started The Game Design Program with Round Rock High School over 10 years ago and continue to make changes to improve the classes for students. One of my favorite parts is getting student feedback on the projects.

  As a teacher, my goal is to foster a learning environment that teaches game design, art and animation techniques, inspiring creativity and increasing student motivation and understanding of the arts leading to a successful career in the game design industry and/or help students for any other career.

Jason Goodwin

2023-2024 Classes & Tutorials 


A Days:

1st    9:05am - 10:35am GameProgramming&Design (Game1)

2nd 10:43am - 12:14pm GameProgramming&Design (Game1)

3rd  12:21pm -  1:59pm Off Campus

4th    2:42pm -  4:20pm  Off Campus


B Days:

5th  9:05am - 10:35am Principles of Business

6th 10:43am - 12:14pm Principles of Business

7th 12:21pm -   1:59pm Off Campus

8th   2:42pm -   4:20pm Off Campus

Tutorials / Events: 

Tutorials - MORNINGS: Tues- Thur 8:00am - 9:00am (schedule just in case)


Openlab - (Mon-Fri)   8:25am - 9:00am  (unless out or called for a staff meeting)

GameDesignClub - TBD & TBA

Morning Duty ( not available for morning tutorials during these weeks):

Aug 28-Sept 1

Oct 2-6

Nov 6-10

Jan 4-5

Feb 4-Feb 8

Mar 18-Mar 22

Apr 22-26

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